A Brand New Future

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A Brand New Future

A new image for a renewed group identity.

CAME’s world is constantly evolving, however our staff always remain passionate about contributing to the quality of life.

In a world where globalisation brings constant challenges in the pursuit of success, a new CAME is born which chooses to bring together all of its partsinto one clear and strong identity.

From now on, CAME speaks to the world with just one voice, the voice of us all,people who choose to speak to other people about a better quality of life.

We see the symbol of this change through its new corporate branding: the perfect connection between man and technology. It finds its fusion in a stylised and visually-dynamic representationof a person, the perfect synthesis of a technology that places people at the centre of everything.

Thanks to the synergies between the companies, CAME PARKARE’s market approach has the new strength of a groupof companies worldwide that carry the world’s wealth with them.

By this, I mean the wealth of knowledge, but also the sheer rangeof skills and talents, which allow us to take up the challenge of global competition with innovative tools and a winning mentality.

The new CAME code

The 4 laws of human automation

We try to look far ahead, imagining how our world can be, and what values are needed to grow: dialogue, passion, and know-how are the qualities that allow us to identify the most promising opportunities, help people automate, and to add intelligence to the places of their lives, by using integrated technology solutions that provide comfort, safety and performance.

Be Technology. Stay Human.

With over 60 years of market presence, CAME is an established company that has chosen to position itself with new awareness: that of a Group made up of many organizations working worldwide, which bring together all their resources, but which, from today, choose to speak to the world with a single voice.

CAME is enacting a development based on new ways of understanding the world of automation, based on the four laws of Human Automation, which outline a new quality of life designed for people because it is made up of people.